About Me

I'm Amy. I'm 43 years old, I'm a mom of incredible 15-year old boy/girl twins, and step-mom to a 15-year old boy and 13-year old girl. I'm married to the man-of-my-dreams-love-of-my-life-soulmate.  I'm also the daughter of a diabetic father who went into kidney failure and had his leg amputated in the Spring of 2011. 

On March 21, 2011, I weighed in at my all-time highest weight - 333 pounds - and my 40th birthday was just under a year away. I issued myself a no-holds barred challenge: By my 40th birthday, lose more than 100 pounds, get strong and fit, and celebrate my birthday by running 4 miles. 
Obligatory Before and After Photos
And while I accomplished those goals with time to spare, somewhere along the way, losing the weight became secondary to the other changes, which have been profound. Freedom from food addiction. Forgiving myself for all the years that I spent treating myself poorly, both physically and emotionally. The ability to truly love myself, inside and out. 

What started as a personal mission to improve my own health has now grown into a passion to help other people who haven't yet found the way out of the "Before". That's what this site is about. 

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